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Friday, September 2, 2011

Beginner's Didgeridoo Lesson

I've put a beginners lesson on my site hopefully it will be helpful for those just starting out. I am currently in the process of recording a teaching C.D which will cover the basics through to some more advanced techniques. 'Sticks with Spirit'.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mr World Wide

I've had the pleasure of finding out recently that the rapper Pit Bull was presented with one of my didgeridoos while he was in Sydney, I was also excited to learn that he was also presented with my Album 'Spirit Alive'!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Didges

Here are some didges I have recently finished. They are naturally termite eaten native Australian sticks,  they have been sealed to prevent cracking and to enhance the sound, chiseled at the ends to guarantee great acoustics and finished with a natural black bees wax mouth piece. They vary in keys and price so if you are interested please email me for more information.

'Sticks with Sprit'
Kristian Benton

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Welcome to Yidaki Vibes blog! This is our first experience with a blog so please bear with us while we get the hang of it and hone our  design and  format etc. This blog will mainly be about indigenous artist Kristian Benton and his journey as a professional didgeridoo player, craftsman and artist.

Kristian has recently returned from a tour in Abu Dhabi and Dubai were he did a number of gigs and workshops as well as a T.V appearance and radio interview.

Sticks with Spirit
Kristian and Eve Benton.